Supervisory Board's report

With this report, the Supervisory Board of Witteveen+Bos N.V. (hereafter RvC) aims to provide Witteveen+Bos’s stakeholders with an insight into how we performed our role in 2021.

Despite the fact that corona continued to have a major impact on everyone’s work and private lives in 2021, Witteveen+Bos was able for the most part to carry on with its normal business operations. The usual agenda items were discussed: ongoing projects, the utilisation rate, invoicing, the compliance programme, risk management, and the 2022 business plan. Extra attention was paid to financial management, liquidity, Witteveen+Bos’s operations in Belgium, and the company’s overall debt position. We discovered that profits developed well, which is remarkable in a year that was again dominated by the coronavirus.

In 2021, we spoke with the accountant, the Works Council, and the Ethics and Compliance Officer. There was also extensive consultation with the chairperson of the pension fund. Market developments were discussed, too. It is clear there is a trend towards sustainability and digitalisation. The energy transition is also an important market. Ample opportunities exist in these areas for Witteveen+Bos.

It appears as though working from home will again play a role in 2022. Employee well-being and engagement, therefore, will be important issues for the RvC, as will staffing of the departments.

The 2021 annual financial statement was drafted by the Board of Directors, reviewed by external auditor Deloitte, and discussed together with our own accountant. Based on the internal assessment, we support the Board of Directors’ profit appropriation proposal. We recommend that the Annual General Meeting adopt the annual financial statement and discharge the Board of Directors from liability for its management and policy and the RvC for its supervisory duties.

As has already been made known, Gerard van de Aast will be stepping down from his position in the RvC. The process of appointing a successor to Gerard has begun. The RvC hopes to be able to present a new candidate to the Annual General Meeting in April. We thank Gerard for his commitment, engagement and valuable input to the RvC, and we wish him every success in his new position at KPN.

Our special thanks go to the Board of Directors of Witteveen+Bos. This new Board managed to effectively steer the company through the crisis and overcome the uncertainties surrounding corona. The required flexibility was shown when necessary, ensuring the continuity of the organisation. In addition, our heartfelt thanks again go to all employees for their contribution to Witteveen+Bos’s excellent result for 2021.

We look forward to a healthy 2022 for Witteveen+Bos and its employees and go into the year full of confidence.

Deventer, 18 March 2022

Supervisory Board
Hans van der Ven (Chairperson)
Gerard van de Aast
Angelique Heckman