Excellent annual results 2019 for Witteveen+Bos

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The engineering consultancy firm Witteveen+Bos closes the year 2019 with a total revenue of 145.0 million euros (2018: 132.9). The net result in 2019 amounted to 16.1 million euros (2018: 11.3) and the net profit margin was 11.1 % (2018: 8.5 %). This made the year 2019 an all-time high for Witteveen+Bos. The annual financial statements were adopted at the shareholders meeting of 6 May 2020. 

Karin Sluis, Managing Director: ‘2019 was an excellent year for Witteveen+Bos. The organisation showed strong growth combined with lower employee turnover than in 2018. In 2019, Witteveen+Bos employees worldwide were involved in 4,000 projects, working on issues like CO2 neutral and circular construction, sustainable infrastructure, the energy transition, flood protection, climate adaptation and improvement of industrial processes. We increasingly provide digital services, for example in the field of participation, where online plays an increasingly important role. This is how we work on the best solutions together with our clients and the environment. Despite Covid-19, our revenue and results in the first quarter of 2020 were still in line with the original budget. We are proud of the amazing flexibility and team spirit that our Witteveen+Bos people have demonstrated. Even in these turbulent times, we enjoy tackling major societal challenges, together with our clients and partners.’

In the online 2019 annual report you can read more about our projects, talents, innovations and results. We elaborate on this even further on our website. Previous announcements about the AGM and the postponement of the change in the Board of Directors can be read here.