Sustainable design principles thesis prize

Engineers of the future

At Witteveen+Bos, we value creativity, drive and (sustainable) innovations. We see it as our job to encourage the engineers of the future in their persuit of a better world. 

Sustainable Design Principles thesis prize

A blueprint for sustainable design, however, does not exist, which is why we introduced sustainable design principles at Witteveen+Bos. The benefit is significant: better designs and, therefore, more impact for and by all stakeholders on a project.

In 2021, on the occasion of our 75th anniversary, we launched the sustainable design principles thesis prize. With this prize, Witteveen+Bos hopes to encourage the next generation of engineers and consultants to employ sustainable design practices. 

The thesis prize is awarded to the tertiary-level thesis that contributes best or most to – and/or has the greatest impact on – the (further) development of the Witteveen+Bos sustainable design principle being highlighted that year, and which explicitly aligns with at least one of the United Nations’ seventeen Sustainable Development Goals.

The prize consists of a sum of money to be used by the winner in connection with the relevant sustainable design principle. This could take the form of a course of study or related trip, a training course, a conference, project development, or the further development of the winner’s abilities. The winner also receives the Witteveen+Bos Sustainable Design Trophy.