Nature and environment
Working on a healthy living environment
Housing, work, mobility, energy and recreation all make demands on often scarce space and impact our living environment. In both urban and rural areas. Nature and the environment are already feeling the effects of these pressures, with major challenges ahead for nature restoration, water and soil quality and biodiversity.
In the coming decades, major interventions are needed to restore nature (including soil, water), increase biodiversity, redevelop rural areas and improve natural systems in and around our urban areas. A healthy living environment also means that contaminants and nuisances (odour, vibrations, noise, other emissions) must remain within the set, often more stringent standards.
An integrated approach that focuses on the bearing capacity of the local natural soil and water system is an essential part thereof. This enables us to lay a robust foundation, because ecosystems are flexible and can adapt well to changing conditions.
Another key factor for success is the sustainable connection of different stakeholders in each specific area. We believe in the persuasiveness of our systems analyses and in the power of collaboration in a thorough process.
In the force field with often conflicting interests, Witteveen+Bos can play a central role in transition projects in rural areas based on its extensive expertise portfolio. We are ready to assist governments, such as provinces, municipalities and water authorities, as well as private stakeholders and shareholders at all levels: policy, process, design and implementation. Also when drawing up and implementing integrated local area planning processes.