Witteveen+Bos achieves reasonable result for 2022, RvC is expanded

In 2022, consultancy and engineering firm Witteveen+Bos worked on over 4,700 projects in 50 countries. These efforts resulted in a revenue totalling EUR 165.6 million (2021: 160.3). Our net result was EUR 13.4 million (2021: 18.3) and our net profit margin was 8.1 % (2021: 11.4 %). This means that, financially, 2022 was a reasonably good year. The annual financial statements were officially adopted at the annual general meeting on Monday 17 April 2023.
‘In the first half of 2022, results fell short of budget. This can partly be explained by the challenging circumstances that emerged last year and caused projects to be postponed or halted, such as the historically high inflation in Europe, our home market, and the nitrogen issue in the Netherlands and Belgium,’ explained managing director Wouter Bijman.
‘We also invested in finding a new balance following corona. All of these developments meant that 2022 wasn’t an easy year. Despite this, we managed to round it out relatively well. Looking to the future, we’ll continue to operate with caution and look at ways to increase operational efficiency and reduce expenditure.’

Working on the challenges facing society
Our Annual Recap can be viewed on the Witteveen+Bos website and includes more background information on our people, innovations, business operations, financial results and projects. Within these projects, we worked on solutions to technical and social challenges including carbon-neutral and circular construction, the energy transition, future-proof cities, wet and dry infrastructure, flood protection, climate change adaptation, improving industrial processes, high-quality drinking water and wastewater treatment, and environmental issues.
New RvC member
Our Annual Recap can be viewed on the Witteveen+Bos website and includes more background information on our people, innovations, business operations, financial results and projects. Within these projects, we worked on solutions to technical and social challenges including carbon-neutral and circular construction, the energy transition, future-proof cities, wet and dry infrastructure, flood protection, climate change adaptation, improving industrial processes, high-quality drinking water and wastewater treatment, and environmental issues.
Read more about our projects, talents, innovations and results in the Witteveen+Bos Annual Recap 2022.