Witteveen+Bos: positive 2020 annual figures, continue operating with caution

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Consultancy and engineering firm Witteveen+Bos closed 2020 with revenues of EUR 155.8 million (2019: 145.0). The net profit for 2020 was EUR 17.9 million (2019: 16.1) and the net profit margin was 11.5 % (2019: 11.1 %). This made 2020 a good year financially, which was positively influenced by a release of provisions, lower operating costs and the sale of our former head office in Deventer. Over the coming period we will continue aiming to anticipate the effects of the corona pandemic.

All over the world last year, we worked on around 4,000 projects for sustainable solutions to complex societal challenges including safety in delta areas, innovative infrastructure, future-proof cities, and smart cycles and energy grids. By combining data with our domain knowledge, we are increasingly offering our clients more innovative digital solutions. In 2020 we again took steps towards better visualising our societal contribution via projects with the Societal Value Tool and the SDG Impact Tool.

Managing Director, Wouter Bijman: ‘It was an exceptional and difficult corona year for everyone. Despite this, 2020 was a good year for Witteveen+Bos financially. This was thanks to our focus on three areas: the health of our employees, productivity and sufficient company liquidity. We assumed our responsibility as a company in response to the national government’s call to work from home, which was not always easy. Witteveen+Bos employees, clients and partners worked together in a flexible and cooperative manner and really put their shoulders to the wheel. For that, I sincerely want to thank and congratulate everyone. In the coming years we want to contribute, as a company with considerable expertise, to projects which accommodate a sustainable economic recovery.’

Read more about our projectstalents, innovations and results on the Witteveen+Bos 2020 Annual Report website.