Witteveen+Bos experiences good financial year
In 2023, consultancy and engineering firm Witteveen+Bos worked on over 4,700 projects in 43 countries. These efforts resulted in a revenue totalling EUR 177 million (2022: 165.6). Our net result was EUR 18.3 million (2022: 13.4) and our net profit margin relative to own revenue was 10.3 % (2022: 8.1 %). This meant that 2023 was a relatively good year financially. The company’s annual figures were officially adopted at the annual general meeting (AGM) on Tuesday 9 April 2024.
Managing director Wouter Bijman: ‘We faced a significant financial challenge last year, partly due to high inflation. Despite this, we managed together to maintain our profitability. In fact, we even improved our returns compared to 2022 and realised our budget. That’s a truly fantastic achievement.’ He continued: ‘Our total revenue is actually the highest it’s ever been, and because costs increased less sharply, we achieved a great net result. We can all be proud of that.’
Working on the challenges facing society
Our Annual report can be viewed on this website and includes information on our employees, business operations, and projects. On these projects, we worked on solutions for the changing climate, carbon-neutral and circular construction, the energy and water transitions, future-proof cities, wet and dry infrastructure, flood protection, the replacement and renovation challenge, rapidly declining biodiversity, improving industrial processes, and high-quality drinking water and wastewater treatment.
With a healthy and resilient group of employees, we take responsibility for our actions, incorporating the insights we gain on diversity and inclusivity into the work we do and the courses we offer. We also devote attention to social safety and are taking steps to achieve the ambitions of our climate policy on a multiyear Climate and Biodiversity programme.
Composition of Supervisory Board
At the annual general meeting, the recommendation of Peter Reinders – a Supervisory Board member since April 2022 – as successor to Hans van der Ven, who steps down as chairperson and board member following two terms, was approved. This created room for a new board member, which has been filled by Roland van Dijk. His appointment, too, was approved. Roland van Dijk has been CEO at Fokker Services Group BV since 2021. From 2013 to 2020, he was global director of corporate development at Arcadis NV and from 2008 to 2012 he was an executive board member at Fokker Technologies BV and president of Fokker Services BV. He also spent thirteen years at Stork NV, filling positions including director of corporate strategy and financial director. The Supervisory Board now consists of Peter Reinders (chairperson), Angelique Heckman, Daniëlle van der Sluijs, and Roland van Dijk.