Odour App

When doing odour measurements, a lot of data is collected. To help measurement technicians and project managers and deal smartly with this data, the Odour App has been developed. 

Odour measurements

As an organisation, you want to make sure that you comply with all laws and regulations, including those concerning odour. Therefore, various industrial activities, such as waste processing, food production, composting and chemicals, require odour analyses. These odour analyses are important to eventually predict the effects on the living environment. Prior to the analysis, odour measurements are taken.

Two photos of odour measurements outside.

All data online

Measurement technicians used to perform all odour measurements on paper. This is very error-prone and inconvenient. With the Odour App, all data are available digitally and are no longer hidden away in different folders within the organisation. This makes entering data easy, but also makes it possible to retrieve data from the past. This information can be useful for follow-up measurements and recognising trends and problems.

Three screenshots of the Odour App.

Odour App digitalises odour measurements and automates calculations

The Odour App helps digitise the execution of odour measurements. Project managers can enter all previously known data before a measurement begins. This makes it easier and faster for measurement technicians to get to work on the day of a measurement. Measurement technicians can immediately record results digitally during a measurement, via the app on their smartphone or tablet. In addition, the app automatically performs the calculations that measurement technicians normally have to do manually in the field. This saves a lot of time and is less prone to errors.

A screenshot of the Odour App and a photo of air pollution.

Odour lab of Witteveen+Bos

Want to know more about our odour lab? Then read more here.

A photo of two people working in an odour lab.

Why the Odour App?

Easier to perform measurements

The app makes it easy to enter data on a smartphone or tablet.

Measurements from the past easy to find

Wider availability of data making it easier to find past measurements.

Automatic calculations

The Odour App automatically performs the calculations that measurement technicians normally have to do manually in the field.

Want to know more?

Rico is a software developer specialised in making high-speed, user-friendly applications.

Rico Bakker.png
Rico Bakker Low-code developer