Air and odour measurements in industry and public sector

Over the years, awareness of the importance of good air quality has increased, both relating to pollutants and odour. This awareness has subsequently been translated into more stringent legislation with respect to industrial activities. This challenges businesses to interpret, control and where possible reduce their (odour) emissions.

Witteveen+Bos offers clients support in air and odour-related matters. We perform tests and provide advice, ranging from air and odour measurements (full odour study, including sampling and olfactometry analysis) in the industry, to the technical and financial assessment of the (to be) applied post-treatment technology. Supported by its interdisciplinary team of experts, Witteveen+Bos looks at the bigger picture and aims to provide integral advice.

Such testing is often part of a permit application and EIA procedures, but can also be performed in response to complaints, feasibility studies, spatial planning and zoning plans. We also contribute to strategic and policy-supporting studies for governments, which puts us in a good position to support businesses in matters related to legislation.

In short, Witteveen+Bos has over 30 years' experience with air quality and odour projects. We offer our industrial and public sector clients the following services:


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Arnout Soumillion

Air quality engineer