Witteveen+Bos odour lab celebrates 30th anniversary

The Witteveen+Bos odour lab has been accredited for 30 years. On Monday 9 October 2023, the facility's team celebrated its sixth anniversary with coffee and cake.
After its accreditation in 1993, the facility in Deventer has developed into a state-of-the-art lab. The odour lab performs odour and emission measurements for a variety of industries, including water (rwzi's), waste treatment, food production, beer breweries, composting companies, chemicals and the agricultural sector.
The odour lab samples and analyses a wide range of odours. In addition to odours, the team also measures airflow, and for example concentrations of (total) hydrocarbons, oxygen and ammonia.
Model calculations
'We can also perform model calculations, simulations, with which we can determine the impact of a company or individual emission source on the environment', says Jeroen Melcherts, head of the odour lab.
'This allows us, for example, to test whether local residents are not exposed to excessive (odour) concentrations. Such calculations can also be used to determine whether it is wise to develop a new residential area in the vicinity of a company or industrial site.'
Want to know more about our odour lab?
Odour Lab Witteveen+Bos: a rich history with favourable future prospects
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