
Witteveen+Bos South-East Asia Pte. Ltd. (WBSEA) was established in June 2014 with a Singapore-based office of highly skilled engineers and consultants. The Singapore office continues to serve local public and private clients in the fields of water, environment, construction and infrastructure and acts as a knowledge and business hub for our sister office in Indonesia and for projects being carried out in South-East Asia.

Our team aims to achieve total carbon neutrality, with plans in place to offset our carbon emissions by replanting mangrove forests. To do this, we have joined up with LooLa Komunitas.

Jaïr Smits, managing director of Witteveen+Bos South-East Asia: ‘Obtaining a ‘climate-neutral certificate’ is actually very easy – the necessary emissions rights can be bought for a few euros. But that wouldn’t feel as though we were really making a difference, which is why we’re instead planting 570 mangrove trees. This also immediately provides us with a pilot from which we can learn for other projects.’

Bringing together the right expertise

Our work is about knowledge: bringing together the right expertise to help solve today’s challenges - such as climate change adaptation, the energy transition, flooding, large-scale infrastructure replacement, circular economies and healthy cities - in a sustainable manner. Our unique approach to these challenges is based on our DNA of top expertise and collaboration with (local) partners in a culture of trust and entrepreneurship.

Witteveen+Bos was founded in the Netherlands and is now an international engineering and consultancy group with over 75 years of experience and more than 1,400 employees worldwide. Being based in South-East Asia means we are familiar with local design regulations, legislation and best practices. Our clients in the region include government institutions, contractors, consultants and private developers. We meet their needs with an enthusiastic team of young professionals coached by experienced colleagues, also deploying Dutch experts on projects when necessary. We also partner with universities and domestic and international consultancy firms and offer consulting and engineering services in the fields of:

Office Singapore

Witteveen+Bos South-East Asia Pte. Ltd.
2 International Business Park
The Strategy, Tower 1 #02-01
Singapore 609930

00 65 6817 2670

Certifications in South-East Asia

The world's best known and most widely used certification scheme when it comes to quality management systems.

ISO 9001 certificate

The world-wide norm for information security.

ISO 27001

The bizSAFE Level 2 certification indicates that a company has a trained Risk Management (RM) Champion able to facilitate and mobilise employees in:

  • developing a risk management plan;
  • conducting a risk assessment.
bizSAFE Level 2 certificate