Air research and advice

Industry, agriculture and transport have a major impact on our air quality. Our research and advice in the field of air is very broad. It varies from carrying out practical air and odour measurements at companies to strategic and policy-based research for governments, (government) inspections and sector organisations. 

We have various models for modelling emissions for air quality, nitrogen deposition and odour. We also research and design remediation measures for industry, infrastructure and the urban level. We provide integral advice because, in addition to air research, we also have in-house expertise in the fields of technology, ecology, health and environmental law. Our research is often part of environmental permits, EIA procedures, route decisions and exemptions under the Nature Protection Act. We also conduct investigations in response to complaints or concerns about health, feasibility studies, due diligence research, spatial planning and zoning plans.

At Witteveen+Bos we have a great deal of knowledge and experience in the area of air research and advice:

  • Industrial emissions
  • Air quality and nitrogen deposition
  • Odour research
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Witteveen+Bos medewerker Hannie Dierx

Hannie Dierx

PMC manager Environment and Health