Cookie statement

The Witteveen+Bos website ( uses different types of cookies. At Witteveen+Bos, we consider it important that you have control of your online privacy. To retain control of your data, it is important that you know what information is contained in cookies and which cookies the Witteveen+Bos website uses. This is why our cookie statement explains what cookies are, which cookies Witteveen+Bos uses and why we use them.

This statement also explains how you can delete cookies after having first agreed to them. If you refuse cookies, we will not store them on your device. There is only one exception to this: the Witteveen+Bos website will not work without functional cookies, so this type of cookie will always be stored when you visit the website.

This cookie statement does not apply to the use of cookies by third parties. We cannot guarantee that third parties will handle your (personal) data in a reliable or secure manner, and we are not responsible for them doing so. For more information on how third parties handle your (personal) data, we refer you to their privacy policies (see below).

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your device when you visit a website. Cookies allow the website to recognise your device and store information about your preferences or previous activity so that the site can function (more efficiently); they also allow information to be sent to the owners of the website.

Which cookies do we use?

Our website may use of the following functional, analytical, preference l and tracking cookies, or similar technologies:

Functional cookies (2)

These help make a website more usable by allowing basic functions to occur, such as page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. Without these cookies, the website cannot work properly.

Preference cookies (1)

This cookie enables the website to store information that influences the behaviour and design of the site.

Analytical cookies (7)

These collect and report data which helps website owners understand how visitors use their site.

Below are links to the privacy and/or cookie policies of the third parties that use our websites to store analytical and/or tracking cookies on your device. We recommend that you read these policies carefully.

Google Analytics

This website website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (Google). We use this service to track how visitors use the website, with the aim of improving the site. Cookies are used for this purpose. The information is sent to Google, who store the data on servers in the United States. Google uses the information to monitor how our websites are used so that they can provide us with reports on the sites. We have set up Google Analytics to be privacy-friendly. Among other things, IP addresses are pseudonymised before being sent to Google. We have also signed a data processing agreement with Google which states that they are not allowed to transfer data to third parties or use it for other Google services. We have set the maximum retention period for cookies used by this service at 24 months. After this period, the data can no longer be read. Processing your personal data via Google Analytics is based on our legitimate interest in obtaining general statistics about our website’s visitors.

For more information, please read Google’s privacy policy and their specific Google Analytics privacy policy. Click here here for more information on Google’s opt-out regulation.

Google Maps

The Witteveen+Bos website features a map provided by Google Maps. It allows you to instantly see where our offices are located. Because we use this service on our website, Google is able to store cookies on your device. These allow Google to collect information about visitors and the use of the map. They also remember your preferences, such as how far you zoom in or out on the map. For more information on data processing by Google, please read their privacy statement.

Social media cookies

The Witteveen+Bos website features videos, articles and other content which you can like or share by pressing a social media button on our site. To ensure these buttons work, we use cookies from various social media parties. These cookies allow these parties to recognise you when you share something from our website.

For more information on the cookies that social media parties store on your device and the data they collect with these cookies, we refer you again to the statements provided by them on their own websites (see below). Please note that these statements may change regularly; we have no influence on this. We are active on the following social media platforms: FacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedInYouTube and Vimeo. These privacy statements may change regularly.

Disabling and deleting cookies

You can enable or disable cookies via your browser’s settings. More information on deleting and refusing cookies is available on the website of the Dutch consumers’ association: Consumentenbond.

About this cookie statement

Witteveen+Bos may amend this cookie statement – for instance, if our websites or the rules governing cookies change. You can consult the current version of this statement by clicking on the ‘cookie statement’ link at the bottom of each page. This statement was last updated on 11 July 2022.