Impact studies and environmental impact assessments

Witteveen+Bos also uses its expertise relating to 'odour testing and advice', 'nitrogen assessment' and 'optimising air management and post-treatment technology' when drafting the following types of studies and reports:

  • Impact studies: specifically in an all-in-one permit application, alternatives assessment and nitrogen deposition study
  • Environmental impact assessments (EIAs): including a plan EIA and project EIA

We are also experienced with all the standard models which need to be applied based on the current guidelines in Belgium (Flanders) and the Netherlands. By using these specific models, the reports and (dispersion) calculations are accepted by the respective governments.

Through our expertise relating to soil, (industrial) water, ecology, biodiversity, permits and EIA coordination, and our integral collaboration over the various domains, Witteveen+Bos can support you in drafting the entire plan or project EIA. Specifically with respect to the discipline air and odour, the revised Guidelines system air is the standard.


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Arnout Soumillion

Air quality engineer