Hydraulic engineering structures

The very first Witteveen+Bos project was to design the Prince Bernard locks in the city of Deventer, the Netherlands, in 1946. Meanwhile, our project portfolio boasts a long history and we have designed a multitude of hydraulic engineering structures, including locks, bridges, immersed tunnels, weirs and pumping stations.

Hydraulic engineering works are eminently multidisciplinary in nature. Witteveen+Bos’ specialists provide advice across the board: from feasibility studies and assignments in the initiation and design phases to the management and maintenance phase, including in the fields of structural engineering, reliability and availability and hydrodynamics of intake and discharge systems.

Ice loads

In addition, the structural hydraulic engineers of Witteveen+Bos offer specialised advice on ice loads, fluid-structure interaction under dynamic loads (earthquakes) and dynamics of structures.

Among our consultancy assignments, we can count iconic projects such as the renovation of the Afsluitdijk, studies for the Beatrix locks, feasibility studies for a bypass of the Itaipu Dam, and design work for the Fehmarn Belt tunnel, which will connect Germany and Danish Lolland by means of an immersed tunnel.

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Delta's, Coasts and Rivers