CBL Canal and Inland Waterway

The Cikarang Bekasi Laut Inland Waterways Project (CBL) is a Private Participation in Infrastructure project aimed at relieving congestion on Jakarta’s road network and create an efficient corridor for transporting containers between Tanjung Priok and the industrial estates in the Cikarang and Karawang area. An area of 200 hectares has been allocated for the development of an inland waterway terminal and container yard.

Witteveen+Bos provided recommendations on the strategy and project components for the development of a system along the CBL canal and for the provision of a technical, financial and organisational framework for implementing the project. This CBL system consists of the following project components in the transport chain: 

  • operations at Tanjung Priok;
  • navigation from Tanjung Priok through the CBL canal to a future terminal along the canal;
  • operations at the future CBL Inland Port terminal.

The alternative of implementing an Inland Waterway Transport system transporting cargo from/to Tanjung Priok from/to a terminal to be built along the CBL canal has been studied. In light of the current operations at Tanjung Priok and the heavy pressure on the regional road system (congestion and delays), an alternative that will improve these operations is required.

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