Environment and planning visions and policies

Assistance in the preparation of strategic visions for the physical living environment

The environment and planning vision has been given an important place in the spatial policy cycles of local and nationalgovernments. .. The vision articulates the spatial direction of a local government, but also provides guidance to the preparation of larger area developments. We elaborate the environment and planning vision in an area or topic-specific manner. This allows for a concrete practical development of spatial policy

We help our clients throughout the entire process of drafting the environment and planning vision: from preparation to the writing itself. We also help implement this vision, both in organisations and in work processes. We do this is through process management, policy foresight and area or theme-based programmes.

This includes the preparation of area visions, in which we flesh out the development direction of an area with, among other things, a design study, research into the quality of the living environment and a spatial-financial analysis.

We are also working on theme-based policies aimed at improving the quality of the living environment. These include integrated policy studies covering multiple policy fields, but also theme-specific policies on, for example, sustainability, heritage, water quality, circular construction or biodiversity.


Witteveen+Bos has extensive experience in stakeholder participation. Our experts are able to carefully weigh up who to involve when and in what form and what role the parties will have in the process. By using a variety of methods, we ensure effective participation.

This includes presenting the main trends and developments in an area in a public-friendly way. Other forms include: open meetings, street surveys and generational interviews. Digitalisation (such as online accessibility) also plays an increasingly important role in this.

This way, we organise participation at the front-end. This proactively contributes to achieving a widely supported environment and planning vision.

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