OVER Municipalities’ Local Environment Visions

The Environment and Planning Act will soon come into effect. All spatial planning, construction and environmental regulations will be brought together in this new act. The municipalities of Oostzaan and Wormerland, together known as the OVER municipalities, have reviewed their local environment visions with reference to this act.
Local environment visions, together with policy documents, offer a strategic long-term vision for a municipality’s physical living environment. They also support the realisation of well-supported, balanced and integrated solutions for spatial and social challenges. In drafting these documents, it is important that a municipality’s core competencies are retained and that support exists from residents as well as other stakeholders.
We assisted the OVER municipalities in conducting an intensive participation process involving governmental organisations, residents, companies, social organisations and other chain partners. This ensured that the local environment visions were drafted in co-creation with the local area, employing innovative participation methods such as generation interviews, in which older and younger residents discussed the municipalities’ past and future. We also created a dream tree and conducted street surveys, for which our project team members spoke with local residents.
Witteveen+Bos collaborated on this project with Rho Adviseurs and Atrivé. The three agencies each contributed their own unique expertise to achieve the desired result. As main contractor, Witteveen+Bos was responsible for project management, supervising the participation process, and drafting policies for nature, infrastructure and the energy transition, as well as assuming responsibility for all internal and external communication.
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