Design and technical management
Achieving project goals with structures and tools

We often work on complex designs. In order to complete them successfully, we often adopt a holistic approach. This is about more than just the design; it’s also about the road towards and the implementation of that design. Effective design management ensures that technical and planning risks and bottlenecks are identified in good time. This avoids delays and unnecessary costs.
Our clients rely on us to manage the design of complex, integrated infrastructure and utilities projects. We use technologies such as BIM, parametric design, parametric integrated construction, VR/AR and digital twins to design infrastructure objects virtually.
Systems Engineering
Systems Engineering (SE) is a set of work practices for developing and managing projects in an explicit, structured, integrated and controlled manner. It combines project, information, design and quality management tools.
Witteveen+Bos can execute this both on the client’s side (specifications) and on the contractor’s side (detailed design and project control). Our SE services include functional specifications, tree structures (object trees, activity trees) and verifications and inspections.
Our systems engineers help to ensure that interfaces within the project are properly aligned, stakeholder agreements are met, project and sustainability objectives are achieved and the right contractor is selected to deliver the project.
Building Information Management
One of the design tools we use is BIM, which is an acronym for a number of related terms such as Building Information Model or Building Information Modelling. The M can also stand for Management.
BIM is a methodology that digitally records all the design conditions of a construction project. It facilitates the real-time exchange of data between the various parties involved in a construction project.
It is a structured process in which digital building models are created and shared between the various project partners. This information is used to prepare the entire design and execution of the project virtually before the first shovel breaks ground.
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