Reinforcing the coastline of Pekalongan with a sand nourishment
Strengthening the coastline by sand a nourishment
Increasing the safety and well being of residents
Applying the Building with Nature approach

Strengthening the coastline by sand a nourishment
Increasing the safety and well being of residents
Applying the Building with Nature approach
The Dutch Water Authorities commissioned Witteveen+Bos to carry out a study for the city of Pekalongan on the northern coast of Java in Indonesia to investigate the coastal erosiont he city is suffering from and the daily flooding parts of the city experience. Both are caused by soil subsidence and poor management of water defences.
Following the feasibility study, Witteveen+Bos recommended strengthening the coastline by means of sand nourishment. Witteveen+Bos further recommended creating polders to prevent flooding. Both solutions will increase the safety and well-being of the city’s residents. Additionally, they will create opportunities for productivity in the area. The solutions are based on understanding the system and on using natural processes efficiently in accordance with the Building with Nature approach.

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