KIJK: the Hollandsche IJssel dyke reinforcement

Under contract to the collaboration between Boskalis and Van Hattum en Blankevoort, Witteveen+Bos and Royal HaskoningDHV have become involved in the plan implementation phase of the ‘Strong IJssel Dykes in Krimpenerwaard’ (KIJK) project. This project is being carried out for the Schieland and Krimpenerwaard Water Authority.

KIJK aims to minimise the risk of flooding as much as possible, so that the more than 200,000 residents of Krimpenerwaard, the area behind the dyke, can continue to live, work and enjoy their lives in safety.

10 kms of dyke with over 700 buildings

The dyke reinforcement project will strengthen ten kilometres of dyke on the banks of the IJssel, between Krimpen aan den IJssel and Gouderak. The project is part of the High Water Protection Programme (HWBP). In 2018 a preferred alternative was established that indicates how each section of the dyke can be strengthened. This alternative will be developed in further detail during the plan implementation phase. It is unusual that the expertise of the water authority and the engineering firms and contractors is being brought together at this, a relatively early stage. This is due to the complex nature of the dyke reinforcement, with both technical and financial challenges. The collaborating parties expect that this approach will result in the best solution.

Reliable, feasible, licensable

The project partners are developing the design as part of the permit process; it involves carrying out various studies to ensure that the design is reliable, feasible and licensable. This includes considering integration, feasibility, and sustainability objectives, as well as the effects on nature, archaeology, soil, cultural history and groundwater. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is also being developed, as is the project decision in connection with the Environment and Planning Act. In order to get residents, businesses and other stakeholders involved in the project, a ‘corona-proof’ approach is being put together.


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