Framework Agreement: Water Projects, Nama Water Services

In 2018, together with YAS CE, we signed a five-year framework agreement with Oman Water and Wastewater Services Company (Nama Water Services, NWS) to provide consultancy services to its Planning and Asset Management (PAM) department for water projects. NWS is responsible for water and wastewater activities in all governorates of the Sultanate of Oman, with the exception of Dhofar. Since making the agreement, we have reviewed designs and provided concept designs, detailed designs and tender documents for new water supply networks. We have also completed various studies related to water demand forecasting, capacity planning, emergency supply and network resilience.

Sufficient and reliable drinking water

Ensuring the reliable supply of sufficient drinking water is one of the greatest challenges of our time. In the Netherlands, Witteveen+Bos is a leading player in the design and implementation of drinking water production and supply. Internationally, our efforts in planning, designing and constructing drinking water production and transportation systems and distribution networks have contributed significantly to ensuring drinking water supplies. In the projects for PAM, we applied modern network design principles for better water quality and lower-cost networks while ensuring security of supply.

Knowledge transfer

Knowledge transfer is an important part of the services we offer, and in addition to reviewing PAM’s own network designs, Witteveen+Bos has trained NWS staff on how to improve technical skills such as hydraulic modelling, water demand calculations, network design and cost estimates. This training included soft skills such as reporting and risk and stakeholder management.

In July 2021, together with YAS CE, we were awarded a letter of satisfaction by NWS for effectively performing consultancy services to PAM.

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