Cargo Transportation Route

Many onshore oil fields are established in the Prorva region along the northern section of the Caspian Sea in Kazakhstan. The transport of heavy cargo between the oil fields and the Caspian Sea is a major problem as a consequence of poor infrastructure. The project ‘Cargo Transportation Route’ (CaTRO) was initiated to build infrastructure for heavy cargo up to 1,800 ton. This plan encompasses a dredged access channel (70 km) in the Caspian Sea, a port facility (1,000 m quay side) and various Ro-Ro berths, a haulage road (65 km), an accommodation camp and storage facilities. A comprehensive network of causeways will connect the port to the existing main road structure in the region.

Witteveen+Bos carried out the feasibility study for all project components and aspects including the environmental impact. Our company prepared and processed the local permits and approvals on design, conducted an Environmental Impact Assessment, and managed offshore and onshore surveys. We prepared the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) and the detailed design of the channel and port structures. 

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