Aquafin commits to sustainability with solar park

Aquafin is fully committed to sustainability. The company has asked Witteveen+Bos for advice in providing green energy to the sewage treatment plant (RWZI) at their North Mechelen site. More specifically, they have requested that a study be done into the installation of a solar park with a peak capacity of 750 kW at a nearby rubbish dump. This will result in a renewable energy installation capable of providing approximately 25 % of the site’s energy needs.

Feasibility study and business case form basis for solar park

Alongside a feasibility study and business case, Witteveen+Bos will provide a design for the solar park which optimally aligns the installation’s total capacity with the site’s electricity consumption.

We will also ensure that the design can be integrated environmentally as well as visually in the surrounding area. Thanks to effective spatial integration, the solar park will not influence the future functioning of the rubbish dump.

Geotechnical investigation essential for stability

In this feasibility study, we will attach particular importance to the geotechnical investigation, considering the rubbish dump does not offer a stable foundation. In doing so, we will take not only stability into account, but also maintenance of the protective covering layer.

Witteveen+Bos oversees the entire process

As well as the study, we will also prepare the permit request for Aquafin and advise them throughout the permit process. Finally, we will offer the client all necessary support in connection with the tender documentation and the project’s realisation.

Installing the solar park will provide the RWZI at Aquafin’s North Mechelen site with green energy for the coming 25 years. Can we guide you through similar projects? Then don’t hesitate to contact us.

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