Milestone Ring Utrecht: Procurement dossier passes the KAd Test

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Thursday 24 January the tender dossier of the A27/A12 Ring Utrecht, contract South, the so-called Quality Assurance tender dossier, KAd95% test, passed and received the colour 'green'! An important milestone to which Witteveen+Bos has made a major contribution.

Martin van Grootveld, Technical Manager at Rijkswaterstaat explains: "It is an important milestone for the project. The KAd95% test is a mandatory test. No major findings were found that would prevent the completion of the tender dossier. Jeroen de Leeuw, project leader at Witteveen+Bos adds to the list: "We are proud to have obtained a 'green' test result in one go. This is a very good result, especially for a complex project like the Utrecht Ring Road. A result that we have only been able to achieve through optimal cooperation between Rijkswaterstaat and Witteveen+Bos".


2017 - 2019 preparatory studies and work
2020 - start construction
2026 - A27/A12 Utrecht ring road completed

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