Framework agreement with City of Utrecht

Published on {{ $filters.formatDateWithYear(1493848800000) }}

Witteveen+Bos and the City of Utrecht have entered into a framework agreement covering various products and services in the field of civil engineering and infrastructure, including waterways. The activities covered by the agreement include consultancy with regard to civil engineering, landscape design, planning and permit acquisition, budget production, risk analyses, geotechnology and hydrology, flora and fauna, traffic management, electrical and mechanical installations, the production of tendering and contract documents, and site supervision. This framework agreement builds upon an earlier contract covering the deployment of civil engineering staff, which expired on 1 August. The new agreement is valid for two years with options for two one-year extensions.

Until recently, the City of Utrecht had its own civil engineering department. The framework agreement marks the first step towards a transition to outsourcing arrangements with the city acting as coordinator. Witteveen+Bos submitted a proposal which was assessed against four key criteria: cooperation, project organization, quality assurance and sustainability. We achieved high scores for every aspect. Additional requirements included accreditation according to the national CO2 Performance Ladder and a satisfactory CSR policy. Witteveen+Bos is able to meet both requirements.

To date, no landscaping projects have been assigned under the framework agreement. When they are, Witteveen+Bos intends to work in partnership with OKRA Landscape Architects. This company has a corporate culture which is very much in keeping with our own. The success of past joint projects, such as the redesign of Jaarbeursplein in Utrecht, more than justifies the decision to continue our partnership.