
The WindMonitor offers project developers, municipalities and other stakeholders quick and easy access to information about the impact of planned high-rise buildings on the local wind climate. This digital tool makes it possible to determine whether construction plans will result in a disruptive and/or harmful wind climate.
Mandatory: complex wind assessment
A quantitative assessment is mandatory for area developments that include high-rise buildings (>30 metres), to evaluate whether the plans will result in a disruptive and/or harmful wind climate. The WindMonitor from Witteveen+Bos can perform CFD model studies relatively simply, with a large set of scenarios that combine different wind directions and speeds.

Avoid problems with design optimisations
The WindMonitor doesn’t just assess compliance with legal standards – it also generates visuals showing the results, which can assist with design optimisations. Designers can use the results from the WindMonitor to anticipate the potential negative effects on the wind climate at an early stage.
Potential improvements include optimising the urban design, adjusting the geometry of the planned buildings, or changing the location of street furniture in the area and/or the routes of cycle paths and footpaths. This avoids legal and practical challenges, as well as unnecessary costs. The tool doesn’t just promote compliance with regulations – it also contributes to the development of a sustainable and comfortable living environment.

Integrated location study for area developments
The WindMonitor can be included in an integrated location study, which may also consider heat stress, solar radiation and other urban (climate) factors. The WindMonitor is also a good addition to another tool developed by Witteveen+Bos: the Pedestrian Traffic Monitor, which allows the walkability of areas to be assessed and optimised. By combining expertise from various disciplines, Witteveen+Bos can offer a total solution for complex urban area developments.

Benefits of the WindMonitor

Understand the impact
See the impact of high-rise construction on the local wind climate relatively easily and quickly.

Prevent problems
Early identification of disruptive or harmful situations due to wind flows affected by high-rise construction.

Design optimisation with data and visualisation
Solve problems in the design phase with simulation.
More information?
Bas works on model studies for hydrodynamic and morphological processes. He also specialises in carrying out wind analyses in the built environment.