Bike Path Planner
The Bike Path Planner has already proved its use for a number of years in designing express cycle routes and cycle networks – from the exploration phase to the preliminary design phase.
Planning cycle routes
Currently, cycling takes up a prominent place on every local government’s agenda. In many cases, bicycles are given priority over other forms of traffic. But space in the Netherlands is limited. The construction of a new cycle route or cycle network, therefore, requires a careful examination of the possibilities. The Bike Path Planner can help you.
Need for cycle networks
Health and sustainability have become integral parts of all municipal, regional and provincial plans. The increasing number of kilometres people cycle means extra space, safer cycle paths and faster cycle routes are required. As well as this, the rapid rise of e-bikes and speed pedelecs has increased our radius of action and created the need for larger regional cycle networks.
The Province of Gelderland used the Bike Path Planner for an investigation of possible cycle routes between Epse and Harfsen, and it was also used for the 30 km-long F2 express cycle route between Den Bosch, Vught, Boxtel, Best and Eindhoven.
All plans transparent and available 24/7
Integrated cycle networks demand collaboration between different municipalities and parties. Ensuring all stakeholders possess the same level of knowledge has proven to be a challenge. The Bike Path Planner makes all the options, as well as the various stakeholders’ input, transparent and available at a single online location. This is well secured and, of course, only accessible to those directly involved.
The Bike Path Planner spells the end of the map on the wall, the marker pens, and the time-consuming meetings where the information shared is not retained. Communication is faster and more effective thanks to the Bike Path Planner. Perhaps even more importantly, the tool also allows many more variants to be viewed and assessed in a short time.
How does the Bike Path Planner work?
Witteveen+Bos designs the Bike Path Planner's map environment and plots the different route variants on the map. This environment can be accessed online via any browser using a personal login. Then the design can be viewed and it is also possible to read or post comments.
The Bike Path Planner is also used during design sessions to explore and broadly analyse different variants. The plotted routes can be modified throughout the project by the designated administrator to allow real-time analyses and can be viewed by all stakeholders.
Why the Bike Path Planner?
Cost-effective design
By working together using the Bike Path Planner, an incorrect design – and, as a result, unforeseen costs – can be avoided.
Participatory design
Collaborating using the Bike Path Planner ensures an inclusive and participatory design.
Clever use of data
The Bike Path Planner stores all input and stakeholder responses centrally. This data allows for easy analysis and processing in documents.
Want to know more?
Martijn specialises in cycling and public transport and is equipped with a toolbox of instruments for data-driven design and behavioural change.