Industrial process and wastewater treatment

Safeguard supply and the environment

Various industries are highly dependent on the availability of water whether it is used for primary products, such as food, cleaning or steam generation. However, water has become or is becoming a scarce commodity in many parts of the world, depending on climate and geography. Also, water discharge norms have been tightened to protect valuable water sources and flora and fauna in and around water ways.

Therefore, industries need to develop a more circular, integrated systems approach to manage their water intake, use and discharge to safeguard their production quota and at the same time minimise the environmental impact of their discharge water. At Witteveen+Bos we have decades of industrial water and wastewater treatment experience around the globe.

Systematic approach

By using a systematic approach we can offer solutions, ranging from saving on water intake (reduce), in the process stage (re-use) and at the end-of-pipe/discharge stage. Given the limitations at the discharge stage, the industry tends to focus more on intake and process stage to avoid issues at the end-of-pipe stage.

Apart from water treatment, we also look at water discharge as a source of energy and raw materials. For example, we have engaged in projects directed at treated wastewater for irrigation purposes or extracting nutrients for fertilisers. In this way, we can make a valuable contribution to the circular ambition of various industries.

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