Port structures

Witteveen+Bos has almost half a century of experience in designing port structures such as large quay walls, jetties and buoys for the full range of ships sailing the seas, inland waterways and lakes to the latest development in dimensions. Out activities are not limited to Europe but are also carried out in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, among others.
Our services include:
- All design levels, from conceptual design to structural design for new structures or renovation
- Seismic and arctic engineering
- Independent design reviews
- Smart Port and Green Port solutions
- Tender documents
- Supervision of building works and contract management
- Tender designs for contractors.
Commodities commonly involved are dry bulk, liquid bulk, offshore (wind) industry, containers, heavy offshore industry and Ro-Ro.
All our designs are built in 3D Revit/Civil 3D models that allow us to create the most optimal design and to verify the interface with topsides, vessels, cables and pipelines as well as obstacles throughout the design process and communicate these with all stakeholders. It also allows us to visualise the construction process and to detect clashes in any stage of the project. We work according to the BIM/CAD standards, and our work processes are in line with ISO19650.
We strive for the most sustainable and innovative designs possible. We prefer to develop new technologies together with our clients. Together with one of our clients, Port of Rotterdam Authority, we developed large-scale test projects for the production of geopolymer concrete (reduction of up to 50% in CO2 production), we designed PE steel pontoons for mooring tugboats and fibre-reinforced concrete was used in several places.
We use innovative digital tools and technology to implement our projects in the most efficient way possible. This technology is developed in-house by our specialists and includes, for example:
Wave Impact on Harbours (WIHA)
- numerical wave model
- fast and accurate
- calculates wave conditions in and around ports
Automatic Quay wall Design (AQD)
- integrated structural and geotechnical design
- generates an optimised design of a quay wall
- high-quality 3D technical drawings
Automated Jetty Design (AJD)
- optimised pile diameter, centre-to-centre distance and type of beams
- integrated structural and geotechnical design
- high-quality 3D technical drawings