Floating solar panels

Making space for renewable energy

The rapidly growing demand for renewable energy requires many free areas for solar panels, but the available space is scarce. Floating solar power or floating photovoltaics (FPV) is increasingly a sustainable and feasible alternative to land-based solar parks.

Witteveen+Bos has extensive experience in projects around the world combining floating solar energy technology with sustainable water management and restoring biodiversity. Our experts stand for tailor-made solutions in floating solar energy. Tailored to the project location and in close cooperation with the stakeholders. With this approach, we aim to contribute to a sustainable future for both people and aquatic ecosystems.

Our services in the aquatic environment in the field of FPV:

  • Floating solar energy
  • Nature development and protection
  • Nature-inclusive design
  • Plan and policy development

We are involved in a wide variety of projects in this area of expertise. Examples are an ecological feasibility study of floating solar on the Haringvliet (Netherlands), the designs for floating solar on various drinking water basins (Netherlands), technical due diligence for private investors, feasibility studies for government and private companies for projects worldwide.

Our experts provide support in both planning and implementation. For example, by designing sustainable energy installations, assessment of legislation (such as through Environmental Impact Assessments, Appropriate Assessment and/or the Water Framework Directive), management plans or ecological guidance during implementation.

System and scientific knowledge as a basis

A floating solar energy installation affects the surroundings and the environment, landscape incorporation and design. Choices must therefore be made responsibly. Thorough knowledge of the local ecological system and the impact relationships of floating solar panels on this system is essential to find optimal solutions.

Based on the ‘Building with nature’ philosophy, we are looking for sustainable, future-proof solutions that bring together economic and natural development. An important aspect here is the cumulative effect of floating solar energy and other (autonomous) influences such as recreation on the ecological system. While developing we always look at the bigger picture.

In the field of floating solar, we cooperate with universities and other knowledge institutes in marine and estuarine ecology, floating PV and anchoring. By constantly investing in our knowledge level, we are able to integrate the latest scientific insights and skills into our clients' projects.

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