Energy system studies

Facts, vision and applicability as basis for successful energy transition

Facts, vision and applicability as basis for successful energy transition

Our energy system will be revised so we can meet the 2030 and 2050 CO2 reduction targets. Energy supply will move from one-way to two-way, will be increasingly local and unleash multiple demands for electricity, heat and renewable gases (hydrogen). These dynamics create new challenges in terms of efficiency, reliability, occupying space and affordability of the energy supply.

Witteveen+Bos is the creative, reliable and agile guide in analysing and tackling today’s energy issues. Our approach is based on three core values:

  1. Understanding of the system
  2. Vision
  3. Practical applicability

Our energy-related services include:

  • Feasibility studies
  • ESOS: energy system & optimisation studies
  • Smart energy hubs and energy visions
  • Tooling

Feasibility studies

Driven by reduction targets, new energy system configurations are needed. A factual and transparent analysis of the technical and financial feasibility is essential to make an informed and responsible selection of appropriate configurations.

Witteveen+Bos has since provided such analyses for several clients, which includes bringing in specific expertise from other engineering disciplines within the organisation. If the issue demands it, we also engage experts from outside our organisation through our comprehensive network of (collaboration) partners. This approach allows us to oversee the total energy system in our analyses and advice.

ESOS: energy system & optimisation studies

What are the direct and indirect consequences of changes to energy systems? To provide insight into the impact of sustainability programmes, we help provide an understanding of the system and clarify (the implications of) choices in a clear and simple manner. Our experts take a data-driven approach to this and use open source models and (web) tools to ensure our analysis are based on facts while also being transparent and traceable.

Smart energy hubs and (regional) energy visions

Grid congestion can cause the construction, further development and sustainability of, for instance, business parks and residential areas to stagnate or even stall. At the same time, RES (Regional Energy Strategies) regions, municipalities, business parks and other initiatives often face a considerable sustainability challenge to which they are committed. This requires a long-term vision that offers the parties prospects for action.

Witteveen+Bos can support all parties in the chain in drawing up an energy vision that shows how targets can be achieved over time. Or concrete developments of, for instance, an energy hub project, that allow energy consumers and producers to coordinate the generation, transport, storage, conversion and consumption with each other. In such a development, our experts contribute with the technological knowledge that parties can rely on together with a process approach that actually brings parties together.


Het (toekomstige) energiesysteem is complex, met diverse onzekerheden over hoe het systeem zich gaat ontwikkelen. Tools en modellen kunnen helpen om deze complexiteit behapbaar te maken en het aantal onzekerheden te reduceren. Met voorspellende tools en modellen kunnen partijen in deze complexiteit en onzekerheid toch hun maatregelen uitwerken en weloverwogen besluiten nemen op de no-regrets en het kritieke ontwikkelpad.

Witteveen+Bos beschikt over state-of-the-art modelleer- en programmeerkennis om tools te bouwen. Tools die in de praktijk (door ons) zijn ingezet en getoetst. Klanten die specifiek gebruik willen maken van onze digitale expertise kunnen voor maatwerkoplossingen terecht bij onze interne en ervaren specialisten in customer experiences en software development.

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