Area-specific collaboration and stakeholder management
Key to optimal spatial design

The arrival of the new Environment and Planning Act means that public participation and an area-specific approach are embedded in legislation. We already have long experience in engagement and stakeholder management, always involving the relevant stakeholders at an early stage. In combination with our focus on the wishes and tasks in the project area, this creates a healthy and supported foundation for integrated solutions.
With its many engineering and consultancy services, Witteveen+Bos offers the added value of an integrated approach for area-specific assignments. We can make the connection between the technical design and the interests and characters of the various parties in the project area.
Much of our work is performed under assignment to municipalities, provinces, water authorities and ministries. We are therefore familiar with governance structures and with operating at governance level. Our specialists apply this sensitivity to engagement and stakeholder management. 'Who needs to be at the table?', 'Where do the sensitivities lie?', 'What is a suitable approach?'
Key points in our approach
Key points in the Witteveen+Bos approach include safeguarding a transparent process and equality, facilitating real conversations, embedding the stakeholder influence for both the public and professional stakeholders, and preventing symbolic participation. In doing so, we use customised techniques and structures, from policy meetings, classic residents’ evenings and kitchen table meetings up to and including digital forms of participation.
This work practice helps produce a supported result that does most justice to the characteristics in a specific area as well as to the wishes and interests of the various stakeholders. This does not necessarily need to be the best solution in technical terms. What is more important is to focus on the area concerned and examine the available combination opportunities to optimally harness the strength of the area.
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