The story of Stijn Tijhuis

I think it’s special: the freedom, trust and responsibility offered to me at Witteveen+Bos. This past year I was responsible for the ‘De Gaarden’ project, redesigning a neighbourhood in Schiedam. It was the first time I had taken on the role of project manager. I worked on the project from March through to December of 2020, from the first sketches right up to the preliminary design plan.

Making a neighbourhood like De Gaarden more liveable is what I’m committed to. That’s my speciality. My ambition is to contribute to a more beautiful and sustainable Dutch landscape. That could be in an urban setting, like in Schiedam, but also in rural surrounds, such as in the Wieringerhoek. There I’m involved as a design head. We’re investigating the possibilities for developing a resilient ecosystem between the IJsselmeer and the Wadden Sea. I’m at my best in projects which impact on the landscape and involve a design developed with implementation in mind. I need to be able to envision what the landscape will look like in, say, five or ten years’ time. Witteveen+Bos affords me that opportunity.

'My ambition is to contribute to a more beautiful and sustainable Dutch landscape.'

- Stijn Tijhuis -

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