The story of Jasper Sluis

‘I find it inspiring to see how everyone in the group is developing and am proud to contribute to that as group leader.’

Four years ago, I was offered the opportunity to start a Geotechnical Engineering group at the Utrecht office. There were two of us at the start, but the group has since grown to seven colleagues.

The field of geotechnical engineering is very broad: basically everything you build ends up being on or in the ground. So geotechnical engineering is literally at the basis of everything that is built: whether it concerns building a reliable quay wall, reinforcing dykes or land reclamation on Maasvlakte 2.

I have now been working as a Geotechnical Consultant at Witteveen+Bos for more than 10 years. This entails a great variety of projects and work, which is what makes my job so much fun. Where six years ago, it was my responsibility to produce the settlement calculations for the land reclamation of the first site in the Alexiahaven, I am now project manager of several new sites that are being filled in, and I can transfer the knowledge I gained before to younger colleagues. From my role as group leader, I find it inspiring to see how everyone in the group is developing and am proud to contribute to this.

Besides my passion for geotechnical engineering, I am also a passionate programmer. For instance, I contributed to the development of ‘Automated Quay Wall Design’, an innovative tool that enables us to create more efficient quay wall designs. With a proverbial ‘press of the button’, a lot of variants are calculated, allowing the most suitable one to ultimately be selected. It’s really cool that I am able to collaborate on these technological advances!

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