The story of Ellen Weerman

Ellen Weerman (46, Wassenaar) is a spatial development project manager at Witteveen+Bos. For her, putting together good teams is one of the most important elements of the ‘best for project’ approach.

A fantastic ten years

‘I’ve been working with and for Witteveen+Bos for ten years – mostly in a permanent role, with a period of self-employment in between. It’s been a fantastic ten years. I certainly don’t know everything as a strategic planner; but if there's anything I don't know, I can always easily find that knowledge somewhere in the company. That fills me with confidence. The lines of communication are short at Witteveen+Bos, and colleagues are ready to help you 24/7. Add the fact that employees have shares in the company and it makes it feel like.... ‘family’ doesn’t seem quite the right word, but that’s how it feels.’

Spatial development

‘I work as a spatial development project manager. It’s my job – together with my team – to lay out strategic choices for the physical living environment, make smart connections, and keep track of the various interests involved. I maintain oversight and search for balance. The vision that results forms the foundation of a project – a kind of touchstone for further planning and permit processes. I used to work at the Province of South Holland, so I know all about administrative procedures. That experience comes in useful, because we often work for government agencies. I know the steps we need to take to get recommendations through a government body.’

De Dorschkamp

‘Our credo is ‘best for project’. For me, that means creating good teams. Work is such a joy when we manage to bring the right people together. I learn from others and they learn from me. The result is then much more than the sum of its parts. Take de Dorschkamp, for example – the redevelopment of a forest area in Wageningen. The range of stakeholders involved – including local residents and project developers – and the combination of nature and housing development made it a challenging task. By putting together a team with the right knowledge and skills (urban designers, ecologists, landscaping specialists), we managed to produce a great plan.’

'People determine the success'

- Ellen Weerman -

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