Zuidas Amsterdam

The Zuidas in Amsterdam, the financial and business centre of the city, cannot grow further without first creating better accessibility by road and public transport. The restructuring is a challenge given the complex location of the Zuidas, the dense built-up area and the large commuters who daily visit the Zuidas. During the restructuring the inconvenience to travellers and residents will have to be kept to a minimum. However, the accessibility of the Zuidas must be guaranteed until the distant future.
Motorway will run underground for a better traffic flow
In the first phase of the restructuring, an integrated reference design with a cost estimate for widening the A10 was worked on. The tender specifications for the design and a construct contract were prepared. An environmental impact assessment and the 'routing decision' - a planning document - are also part of the first phase. To guarantee a better traffic flow on the A10, the number of lanes will be expanded and the motorway in the central zone of the Zuidas will run underground. Feasibility studies show that building here is possible on the north side, without uncontrollable risks for the buildings in the area caused by vibrations or subsidence. Within the entire restructuring of the Zuidasdok a lot of attention is paid to multifunctionality. On the tunnel roofs, a public space will be created that will be furnished with trees and greenery. The entire area will have a 'mixed function': a city district with high-quality housing, business accommodations and public facilities. The Zuidas is thus ready for the future.
Feasibility studies
Feasibility studies show that possible damage due to vibrations or subsidence of buildings can be controlled. This means a quick turnaround time during the construction of the tunnel

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