Water supply strategy and preliminary design
PT Kapuk Naga Indah is developing 12,000 ha of artificial islands and on-land reclamations in Jakarta and Banten Province, Indonesia. The new islands and reclaimed areas will need water supply systems that meet the water demands of residents and businesses.
Witteveen+Bos produced an investment strategy on how best to supply water for different scenarios of the entire development and a preliminary design for the first phase development. The first phase development focuses on the on-line reclamation of Pantai Indah Kapuk (reclaimed in the 1990s) and three artificial islands at Kapuk Naga Indah (1,500 ha). The source water consists of surface water and water purification takes place at two existing water treatment plants. The water demand is expected to be around 1,000 l/s, while the current intake and treatment capacity at the two water treatment plants is around 300 l/s. To meet the water demand, the entire water supply infrastructure needs to be expanded.
We produced a preliminary design for the required infrastructure to cater for the entire first phase water supply, ranging from intake to clear water reservoirs. Our activities also include advising on a staged implementation in the first phase and technical guidance in subsequent phases of the water supply developments.
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