WaardeVOL Brummen

In the framework of the Getting Started with the Environment and Planning Act programme, various workshops have been organised to practise the implementation of the Environment and Planning Act. Witteveen+Bos supported one of these workshops.
A study was conducted for the WaardeVOL Brummen project to examine whether the Programme instrument - a policy document - can be applied. WaardeVOL Brummen is a design task which combines climate change, agriculture transition and the nature task. The Provincial government, municipality and water authority are working together in this. The process involves residents, (agricultural) businesses and NGOs.
In the workshop, a pressure cooker approach is used: in just three days, the contours that a Programme must meet are clarified. Together, the Municipality of Brummen, BZK, VNG, Vallei en Veluwe, the Province of Gelderland and Witteveen+Bos drafted a roadmap with building blocks (prerequisites, measures and governance).
Multisectoral programme
A multisectoral programme was chosen in which the main tasks relating to climate, agriculture and nature are developed in detail. There was also sufficient scope for additional tasks, llike sustainability or nitrogen problem. This chosen variant is in line with the current project goals, but also offers the possibility to experiment with new developments.
Important lessons learned are that the current policy instruments often provide a good basis for the development of a Programme. Furthermore, the Environment and Planning Act requires collaboration between different local authorities, also known as the single authority idea. This is considered a huge challenge, but the Programme has been shown to offer many possibilities for this. Finally, the concept of a workshop helps shape the thought process and working in the spirit of the Environment and Planning Act. It contributes to an effective and balanced development of the total toolbox (Vision, Programme and Environment plan). Experimenting now will make things easier later. Because we need to get started!
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