UCAM Ghent; assesment of heat-related health risks

Dampoort is located close to the centre of Ghent in Belgium and is an area with a high density of buildings and limited presence of green spaces. As a result, the area is sensitive to heat risks that harm the well-being of residents. Risks created by these heat islands are; heat stress, heat-related diseases and premature death.
UCAM method
Climate change and urbanisation will increase the risk of heat islands in cities. In collaboration with the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) and Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR) Witteveen+Bos has developed the UCAM method (Urban Climate Assessment and Management).
The method quantifies the influence of the district characteristics on heat-related health risks. In addition, it calculates and maps the effects of mitigating measures so that they can easily be incorporated into the design process. The UCAM method is used to determine heat (UHI) based on related health risks. In addition, it maps the effectiveness of possible measures to achieve an acceptable level of risk. One study focused on the current risk level in different parts of Dampoort. The data will be used by the client as a condition in the next design study. A second study was conducted to assess the impact of a large development project at Dampoort.
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