Successfully integrating cybersecurity processes into process automation systems
Cybersecurity is a relatively new security domain and many organisations are open to assistance in integrating and aligning necessary safety measures within existing process automation (PA) systems. Witteveen+Bos’s cybersecurity experts advise and assist in creating and implementing PA, including security measures.
Cybersecurity programme: road tunnels, City of Amsterdam
The City of Amsterdam is currently undertaking a project to renovate road tunnels and a traffic control centre. Following a risk inventory, a number of technical and organisational measures were formulated with a view to increasing cybersecurity.
These measures were then translated into contract documents, designs, and the structure and organisation of work processes. Examples include incident protocols, changes, configuration adjustments and life cycle management. The City of Amsterdam hopes in this way to increase its overview of assets, budget and required capacity.
Within the road tunnels cybersecurity programme, Witteveen+Bos supervised the procedural and organisational cybersecurity measures and provided contract monitoring during implementation.
Cybersecurity and PA management at Waternet
Waternet is responsible for the water in Greater Amsterdam, from drinking water to wastewater and surface water (including waterways). Areas of concern were identified within Waternet’s existing process automation systems as a result of both changing technological standards and new organisational work process requirements.
Witteveen+Bos drafted a process automation vision for addressing the identified areas and complementing the relevant processes to meet current desires and needs. Recent developments surrounding cybersecurity were given special attention as part of this.
In order to arrive at a well-founded vision on PA, we also provided a risk inventory to identify the necessary management and security measures.
Witteveen+Bos oversaw the introduction of these measures and kick-started and supervised the functional management. An action plan for optimising process automation in terms of work processes, tools and organisational set-up was also formulated together with the management team.