Permit management:
From reactive to proactive

Managing permit processes is not easy. Numerous projects run simultaneously or overlap each other. Big projects with multiple permit requests, smaller projects with one or two. 'It's a confusing situation with permit coordinators often playing catch-up because the deadlines are not always clear,' says Sander de Bruin.
For that reason, Sander and his team have developed an internal tool – in other words, a website – in which our permit coordinators can enter their permit requests and deadlines. They can then indicate when the tool should warn them about pending deadlines.
'That gives them a bit more scope to manage any time pressure. Sometimes you need to focus on everything at the last moment. With our tool, you can send reminders well in advance. Furthermore, you can select all the requests per product/permit so that you can check the progress of each project.'
In the context of the Environment and Planning Act, which is expected to come into effect on 1 July 2023, the tool has additional added value, says Sander. 'Initially, the legislation will certainly require quite a lot of work from all involved. And the permit requests and deadlines will obviously continue. Using our tool will help.'
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