Low-frequency noise at Vitens Vechterweerd

A small number of local residents living in the vicinity of the Vitens production site at Vechterweerd are experiencing nuisance due to low-frequency noise. The homes concerned are located at a large distance from the Vitens site (2 km and 6 km). A test was performed and showed that the noise originated from the Vitens site. In order not to inconvenience the neighbours and eliminate the nuisance, Witteveen+Bos was asked to provide insight into the likely cause(s) and identify possible measures.

Performing noise measurements

Due to the sensitivity of the issue, action was taken immediately. A visit was paid to the production site to gain insight into the severity of the situation. In addition, indicative measurements were performed. Further to the visit, various parties were approached and asked to identify possible causes based on their expertise.

The main cause is to be determined from a combination of calculations, measurements and expert judgement. Noise measurements were performed at the source location and in/near the homes of the complainants to establish a correlation between cause and effect. Vibration measurements were also carried out. Depending on the source eventually selected, measures will be proposed in consultation with the parties involved.

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