Conceptual design of Eco-resort Manado

Tourism developer PT. Bhineka Mancawisata has designed a 200-hectare resort near Manado, North Sulawesi. The resort will be run by the hotel chain Marriott and aims to provide a haven for tourists from all over the world, with a white beach, lagoon, jetty, beautiful gardens and luxurious villas.

To achieve this vision, as an international consultant with over 45 years of experience in Indonesia, we were asked to prepare a conceptual design for the beach and the supporting breakwaters.

Using a parabolic bay-shape equation approach, we quickly and (cost) effectively predicted the natural state of the coastline. This resulted in a design consisting of two artificial islands (breakwaters) that enclose the lagoon at both ends, ensuring a morphologically stable beach requiring minimum maintenance.

The two islands shelter part of the beach from wave attack and stimulate deposition on the lee side creating the lagoon. The islands themselves are also protected against wave attack and act as a breakwater. Footbridges connect the islands to the mainland, allowing flow through the lagoon to ensure good water quality. The islands also act as an extension of the hotel featuring luxurious water villas, thus naturally integrating accommodation into the landscape.

Construction of the resort has now started and many tourists will soon be able to enjoy the stunning sea views and beautiful nature of Nort Sulawesi.

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