Additional container capacity in the Port of Antwerp

The port area of Antwerp is an important driver of the Flemish economy and is a source of prosperity and jobs for the whole of Flanders. Record numbers of shipping containers are handled there every year. To manage the anticipated further increase in this container traffic, the Flemish government is investing in the further development of the Port of Antwerp. As part of this, extra terminals and a new tidal dock will be constructed at right angles to the Deurganck Dock. Simultaneous to these works, several sites are going to be filled in for logistics purposes and new roads and railways will be built. Inland shipping requirements will also need to be considered.

Complex location requires sustainable solution

Due to the difficulties associated with its location in the brackish water estuary of the Scheldt – and considering the port’s economically strategic location – it is essential that the effects of any additional container capacity on the river system and surrounding natural areas be carefully examined. Witteveen+Bos is giving this complex project form together with Sweco. The aim of the partnership is to develop a sustainable solution within an acceptable time frame and in close consultation with all stakeholders.

Integration with natural dynamics of Scheldt in interest of biodiversity

Witteveen+Bos is providing advice on groundwater, surface water and sediment. We are also responsible for the design and technical development of the Prosperpolder Zuid and Doelpolder areas. The aim: to optimally integrate the existing area and the natural dynamics of the Scheldt, and to provide greater opportunity for redevelopment of the Scheldt estuary in the interest of biodiversity.

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