Online participation platform YourView fully digitally accessible

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Inclusiveness and participation are essential components of successful projects. YourView (Dutch: InBeeld), the online participation platform, facilitates this. That is why it now also fully meets the requirements of digital accessibility.

YourView the online participation platform

YourView is an accessible online participation platform. With YourView, project plans are visually translated. This makes it easier for stakeholders to give feedback and input. With a simple click on the map, residents can digitally share their questions, concerns and suggestions about a project with the project team. The responses are stored in a structured database, making it easy for the project team to respond to the input from the surroundings. In addition, designers can view the responses on YourView and incorporate them directly into the design. 

Digital Accessibility

However, web applications are not always accessible to everyone; in particular, not to people with a language deficiency or a visual impairment. As YourView's reason for existance is inclusive participation, we have maximised the digital accessibility of the platform in recent months.

Someone is looking to the website of YourView.

Steps we took

First, our software developers set up a demo project in YourView. Subsequently, specialised consultants from Firm Ground (Dutch) conducted audits and made a report with points for improvement and requirements. Some examples of improvements: we applied more Alt texts, also for visual items such as icons, buttons and images. The team also used reading software, to imagine what it is like to navigate a website on audio only, so the team could empathize with users. We also experienced what it is like when you cannot use your mouse, but only your keyboard. These last points were an interesting exercise to gain more understanding for a broader user group. The YourView development team tackled all the points for improvement, and after a final audit, YourView is now fully digitally accessible.

Conclusion: use YourView for online participation in government projects

That is convenient, because governments prescribe guidelines for digital accessibility (Dutch). These are vital for government websites and means of communication. In this way, important information is made accessible to a wide audience. The use of YourView therefore fits well in projects that involve government communication.

Please contact us

If you would like to know more about digital accessibility for participation platforms or how YourView was successfully deployed, please feel free to contact Sanne Ruiter, or read more here.

More information?

As product engineer, Martijn works on the further development and marketing of Witteveen+Bos' digital products. This includes the YourView platform.

Martijn Nieuwenhuijseg.png
Martijn Nieuwenhuijse Product engineer