Witteveen+Bos contributes to preferred dyke reinforcement alternatives in Limburg

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Plans to strengthen the dykes in Buggenum, Steyl - Maashoek and the Willem Alexander harbour in Roermond have taken a significant step forward. The preferred alternatives for these dyke sections have now been identified by district water authorities Waterschap Limburg and involves the route and the type of flood defence.

The main roles of engineering and consultancy firms Witteveen+Bos and Arcadis in this process included environmental research, technical design, landscaping, environmental management and administrative preparation.
The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure & Water Management, Rijkswaterstaat (the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management), Provincie Limburg, seven municipalities and Waterschap Limburg have been working together on the Northern Meuse Valley flood protection programme since August 2016. 
Identifying the preferred alternatives for the dyke sections Buggenum, Steyl – Maashoek and the Willem Alexander harbour in Roermond marks the completion of the exploration phase. The dyke sections will now enter the plan development phase. In this next phase the preferred alternatives and their incorporation will be further elaborated. The detailed design will be laid down in a Water Act project plan. This plan and the associated permits and the ‘legger’ (a register consisting of a collection of maps indicating the flood defence systems and the associated rules of the water board) will then go through a procedure. Stakeholders can then respond formally to the plans.

The Memorandums Preferred Alternative and further information can be found on the website of the Limburg Water Board (only in Dutch).