Wetlands publication Building with Nature

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The past five years, we have been part of a unique public private partnership with Wetlands International, Ecoshape, the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and the Indonesian Ministry of Public Work and Housing, Deltares, TU Delft, Wageningen University & Research, UNESCO-IHE, Blue Forests, Kota Kita, Von Lieberman, the Diponegoro University, and local communities in several Building with Nature (BwN) projects in Indonesia, in order to impove eroded coastlines.

Wetlands summarises the interventions and insights from a landscape scale implementation of the Building with Nature approach between 2015 and 2021 in Demak in an end-publication. It is illustrated with stunning pictures and interviews with partners and communities.

In this coastal district in Central Java, Indonesia that has been plagued by erosion, flooding and land loss. We encouraged the natural regeneration of mangroves along 20 kilometres of coastline while simultaneously revitalising aquaculture. With this flagship project, Indonesia has become a pioneer in shifting to working with nature in designing water infrastructure solutions.