Three questions for Thirza Hulsman

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Thirza Hulsman builds bridges between people, digital technology and clients. As a Customer Experience (CX) and User Experience (UX) specialist, she uses Life-Centred Design (LCD) to work with clients to develop digital solutions that are good for people and also take account of all life on earth.

What is Life-Centred Design?

‘Life-Centred Design (LCD) is a design philosophy that looks beyond just people. LCD focuses on how everything is connected, and explicitly analyses the impact on the system as a whole. It considers all life on earth, from animals and plants to entire ecosystems.’

A good example of the use of Life-Centred Design is the design process for a wind farm in the north of Norway. Thanks to the LCD design approach, stakeholders who are not or rarely heard were given a voice:

  • How will the construction of the wind farm affect reindeer herds?
  • What is the impact on the indigenous Sami people in the area?
  • How will the wind farm affect their migration routes, traditions and living environment?

Why is Life-Centred Design important for engineers?

‘For engineers, LCD means looking beyond the client’s immediate needs. You study the current state of the ecosystem and what will be beneficial in the long term. You take account of the environment as a whole. This approach allows you to make a greater impact. Your designs will be more sustainable and will contribute to a healthy future for people and planet.’

How can digital products help?

‘Life-Centred Design begins at the start of the project and is at the heart of the entire process. Using various methods, you first study the context and identify all the stakeholders – both human and non-human. Digital products help you to continuously evaluate and adjust your design choices. For example, you can use YourView for continuous resident participation, and the Nature Ladder to continually measure the impact on nature and the climate. These tools make it possible to make well-informed decisions throughout the project and adjust course where necessary in a way that focuses on the long term.’

In general, you can say that digital products make it easier to measure the impact of projects and assets and make smart choices. They make projects more transparent, and can help you design with greater awareness of the long-term effects on nature and communities.’

Want to know how to apply this design approach in your projects? Then get in touch with Thirza. We offer focused courses and will be happy to help you.

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