The renovated Groenplaats Antwerp is a go

Starting in 2025, Groenplaats, the 1.2-hectare square in Antwerp’s historic centre, will be undergoing renovation. Together with the City of Antwerp and CROSS Architecture, Witteveen+Bos will shape the renewal of the Groenplaats.
In 2020, we were chosen as winners of the design contest for the underground facilities and infrastructure by the City of Antwerp. Since then, our engineers have collaborated on the sketch design, preliminary design and final design of the substructure. For the above-ground redevelopment of the Groenplaats, we also recently started work on the final design.
The transformation of this well-known square has several goals: enhancing the historical character of the square, creating an open, green and vibrant meeting place and improving mobility in this part of the city, with a focus on public transport, cyclists and pedestrians.
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